Best Cheap Hosts
With hundreds of web hosts vying for customer business, web hosting prices have dropped from low to down-right cheap. Users can get a web site hosted for cheaper than ever before. Cheap web hosts offer web hosting plans for under $10 US per month, but the cheapest hosting runs from $1-$6 per month.
> Cheap Web Hosting Best Windows Hosts Web hosts using the user friendly Windows platform are much fewer than those using the open source Unix platform. Consequently, Windows web hosting generally costs a few dollars more per month than Unix web hosting plans. Windows web hosting users enjoy compatibility with other Microsoft Windows products and support for ASP.
> Windows Web Hosting Best UK Hosts Web hosting customers outside of the United States may find UK hosting to be faster than US hosting. UK hosts have excellent prices and stable uptimes available with a growing number of hosts to choose from. UK hosts often have multilingual support staffs and diverse monetary acceptance.
> UK Web Hosting Best Canada Hosts Canada web hosts have jumped in with UK and US hosts offering low cost, dedicated and virtual web hosting. Canada web hosts are able to offer direct connection lines and low prices to users in US, Canada and overseas.
> Canada Web Hosting Best Dedicated Hosts Dedicated web hosting is available for webmasters with large web sites that require more bandwidth and web space than the average user.. Dedicated web hosting is for advanced webmasters who want control over who and what is on their hosting server. Dedicated web hosting is much more expensive than shared hosting as more equipment is required. Users can expect to spend at least $50 per month for dedicated web hosting.
> Dedicated Web Hosting Best Multiple-Domain Hosts Webmasters hosting a lot of web sites have found multiple domain hosting, or virtual private server (VPS) hosting to be the perfect solution. VPS hosting allows webmasters to host multiple domains on one server where it is cheaper and easier to manage, much like dedicated hosting, but without the expense and support needs of dedicated servers hosting. Multiple domain / VPS hosting costs $20+ per month.
> Multiple-Domain Web Hosting Best Linux-Unix Hosts Unix web hosting (also Linux hosting) is the cheapest available web hosting. Unix is an open source product allowing web hosts to use their servers and systems for much cheaper than Windows platforms. Unix web hosting is known to be stable, safe, and compatible with PHP.
> Linux-Unix Web Hosting Best eCommerce Hosts Online business is the way of the future and web hosts are making it easier for webmasters to conduct business online with ecommerce web hosting. Ecommerce web hosting plans contain shopping cart software, security systems for accepting personal information online, and often merchant accounts for accepting credit card payment from customers.
> eCommerce Web Hosting Best ASP Hosts ASP, or Active Server Pages, introduced by Microsoft in the mid-1990s is the standard programming system for Internet applications hosted on Windows servers. It is bundled with Internet Information Server (IIS) when you buy Windows. Webmasters can write HTML pages with embedded bits of Visual Basic, C# or other languages, that are interpreted by the server. Users who want to use ASP on their website should choose Windows web hosts.
> ASP Web Hosting Best FrontPage Hosts Many webmasters design websites using the popular and fool proof Microsoft FrontPage website building software. However, not all web hosts are equipped to support websites written using this application. FrontPage users need to use a web host who offers FrontPage support and FrontPage Extensions. Check the features- Unix and Windows hosts alike offer FrontPage support.
> FrontPage Web Hosting Best PHP Hosts Not all web hosts' systems are compatible with the popular PHP scripting language. PHP users must be certain they select a web host who offers and supports PHP. Unix and Linux web hosts are the best platforms to use for web hosts using PHP.
> PHP Web Hosting Best Business Hosts Small and large businesses are realizing the need for a website. Web hosts are catering to businesses by offering customizable web hosting plans, sizable web space allotments, and professional templates and marketing features. Web hosts that are business friendly will offer free search engine marketing, email, and ecommerce tools.
> Business Web Hosting Best Reseller Hosts Reseller web hosting is perfect for the webmaster hosting several web sites, or web designers with their own clients who need hosting. Web hosts will sell their hosting and server space to resellers for discount and wholesale prices. Resellers benefit from having control of their own hosting business without the headache and cost of data centers.
> Reseller Web Hosting Best Free Hosts Web hosts are so willing to share their server space, they are giving it away for free. Free web hosts usually require webmasters place a banner ad or text ad on their website in exchange for this free hosting. Free web hosts usually offer online upload managers, templates, and email, but no databases and little customer support if any at all.
> Free Web Hosting Best Cloud Hosts Cloud computing is one of the newest technologies available in the web hosting industry, creating a new type of web hosting called Cloud hosting. Many web hosting companies are now offering cloud hosting in addition to their other web hosting services. Cloud hosting provides more reliability, scalability, and security.
> Cloud Web Hosting Best Shopping-Cart Hosts Many web hosting companies offer e-commerce features that allow you to operate a business type website. But not all have the best shopping cart software. Having the right shopping cart for your website can increase your sales. Shopping cart web hosts offer shopping carts that will help you optimize your business website.
> Shopping-Cart Web Hosting Best cPanel Hosts Having a user-friendly control panel can make or break your web hosting experience. Free and cheap web hosting packages usually include a free control panel. cPanel is one of the best control panels available to manage your website.
> cPanel Web Hosting Best India Hosts Web Hosting has quickly become a thriving industry in India. Whether you live in India or elsewhere, many web hosting companies in India provide many different types of web hosting products including free, cheap, VPS, dedicated web hosting and more.
> India Web Hosting Best Green Hosts Many industries are becoming very eco-friendly, and web hosting is one of them. Many web hosting providers are now ensuring their customers that their sites are being hosted with a Green hosting company. Green web hosting describes the web hosting practices of the web hosting company to provide eco-friendly hosting.
> Green Web Hosting Best WordPress Hosts Whether you are looking to create a blog or build a website, WordPress provides a user friendly platform for the web designer. WordPress is one of the best content management systems (CMS) available today. Many web hosting providers offer you the ability to use WordPress for free when hosting your website with them.
> WordPress Web Hosting Best Blog Hosts Blog hosting has become a very popular way to build a website with little experience as a webmaster. There are blogs for all types of websites. Many web hosting providers are now offering free blog software in their cheap web hosting packages, allowing you create your own personal blog, through a reliable web hosting company.
> Blog Web Hosting Best Drupal Hosts Having a user-friendly simple content management system (CMS) can be crucial in providing you with a good web hosting experience. Drupal is one of the most popular CMS systems offered by web hosting companies. Drupal Hosts offer Drupal Hosting as part of their cheap web hosting packages.
> Drupal Web Hosting Best Joomla Hosts An easy-to-use content management system (CMS) allows even the novice webmaster to create a website. Joomla Hosts offer the Joomla CMS for free within their cheap web hosting plans. Joomla hosting is very popular among people choosing shared web hosting.
> Joomla Web Hosting Best VPS Hosts Virtual Private Server, or VPS Hosting, is the best way to graduate from shared web hosting without taking the leap into dedicated server hosting. With VPS hosting your site will run faster and more efficiently. A VPS host offers a way to graduate from shared web hosting without the expense associated with dedicated hosting.
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